Tag Archives: disaster

Weekly Roundup – Earthquake Hits Pakistan, India Raises Interest Rates

26 Jan

This week’s roundup — with stories from Pakistan and India. Watch the video above to see how much shaking a security camera over 50 miles away captured during last week’s earthquake.

Cure for the common stomach flu

11 Jan

I got my Rachel Roy tote for Pakistan in the mail yesterday! Opened it this afternoon and suddenly it seemed that the flip-flopping of my stomach was due to something other than motion sickness. You guessed it — it was love.

Not only is it super chic (see below), but Roy donates $20 for each bag sold. And the bag costs $20. Therefore, when you buy a bag you’re actually rewarding yourself for your generous donation to UNICEF‘s disaster relief efforts for the Pakistani flood victims.

Click here to buy.

This may not be eco-friendly but I loved that the tote came in a gift box within a shipping box. I'm a sucker for packaging.


Clearly I need to practice with the D50 a lot more...Note to self: turning off the flash can turns beige things yellow.



Bonus: One of the many celebrities who signed was Keanu Reeves. Does this count as getting his autograph?