
29 Jan

via Reuters

  1. This is an exciting time. Will it mean widespread revolution across the Arab and/or Muslim world? Will it result in real change? I don’t know, and I don’t think anyone really does. But at least it’s getting the world to sit up and pay attention.
  2. The photographs emerging from these protests are nothing less than awe-inspiring. I’m totally transfixed by the picture above. And I’m totally struck by how good-looking so many Egyptians are. Part of me thinks it’s the resolution in their faces, rather than their features, that contributes to their beauty.
  3. Al. Jazeera. English. As a journalist, a student of journalism, an American, a Pakistani, and a Muslim: Thank you. (I’m particularly impressed by Ayman Mohyeldin.)

Bonus: “I don’t know anything, have no expertise, haven’t even ever looked at the economic situation. Hence, no posting. If there comes a point when I have something to say, I will.” – Paul Krugman

One Response to “Egypt”

  1. sitanbul January 29, 2011 at 1:59 pm #

    Why don’t you have a look at this post??

    “Egypt Revolution or CIA Regime Change???” —

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